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  • worldwide brand
  • Elle is also the world’s best-selling fashion magazine 
  • always had a well known celebrity on the cover
  • largest fashion magazine
  • been around since 1945
  • “ELLE ” means in french ‘her’ or ‘she’ – this idea has inspired me to use something which isn’t english and in a different language for the master head.

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  • american fashion
  • fashion , beauty, culture , living and runways.
  • began as a weekly newspaper
  • 21 international editions

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  • As of 2004 it is one of the biggest selling magazines in the UK
  • cheap magazine
  • high profile celebrities star in it
  • have a radio show
  • celebrity news, gossip, beauty advice and fashion is primarily aimed at women
  • based in London


  • published in April 1993.
  • more than 30 million readers worldwide
  • appears in 20 countries (australia , cyprus , japan , ireland and more)


video games – research

In the 1940’s, Condon designed a computer that plays traditional game , which players try to avoid picking up the last matchstick. Thousands of people would play this and the computer wins at least 90% of the time ,which is why so many people played it because they never lost.

1950’s  Claude Shannon played out the basic rules for programming a chess computer game . The same year both he and Englishman alan turing created chess programs.

1958-W.H created a tennis game on an analog computer for the public.

1964- The computer time-share system and programming language at dartmouth. Both made it easier for students to write computer games. Soon , countless games are being created.

1968- Ralph Baer patents his interactive television game. Four years later Magnavox releases Odyssey, the first home the video game system based on his designs.

1975- home version of pong.  Sells first units through sears Roebuck sporting goods department.

1978- Taito’s space invaders descends on japan. U.S attempt to spend millions of quarters driving back the seemingly unstoppable ranks of attacking aliens.

1981-  Videos games came out such as Nintendo’s. Featuring ‘jump man’ which people now days call him mario.

1986- educational software market leaps ahead with the introduction the learning company’s reader rabbit program. the educational computer business mushrooms with he introduction of CD-ROMs in the 1990’s but crashes with the rise of the internet.

1995- sony releases playstation in the united states, selling $100 less than Sega saturn. The lower point , along with the arrival of nintendo 64 in 1996.

1999- Sony entertainment leads hundreds of thousands of users  to join guilds, fight monsters and level up in the multiplayer online work of Norrath.

2000- Sims- best selling computer game ever and the most popular game with female player.

2004-nintendo maintains its dominance   of the hand held market with the nintendo DS , an easy-to-use portable gaming system packed with 2 processors , two screes , multiplayer capabilities and touchscreen.

2006- The nintendo wii came out , which would get gamers off the couch and moving with innovative.  Appeals to millions of people who have never before liked video games.

2009- Social games like FarmVille and mobile games like angry bird shake ups the game history. Millions of people who never would have considered them selves gamers now while away hours playing games on new platforms like Facebook and the iPhone.

2014- ‘free to play” becomes a dominant business model as blockbusters like crossfire , league of legends and kim kardashian:hollywood achieve sees in  hundreds of millions of dollars.


Two games which i will being talking about is the in 1995 when sony released playstation , something which is used by people even single day something which will never go out of fashion something which is very popular and use worldwide. It started a new trend where people were making discs for it.Everyone wanted to be part of playstation by making ads for it . Another one was in 2000 when sims got released , it was the most popular game and the biggest seller , it featured women players , by it doing that it has boys and girls playing it which means they’re getting a bigger audience playing it.




ROMANCE:  Consist of love stories, or affairs of the heart that genre of passion and emotion. Main characters usually consist of one man and one woman. It consists of journey that their love goes though stages or marriage. Romance films make the love story the main plot focus. Examples of these are; Me Before You, Titanic, Friends with benefits. The 3 examples i have listed are ones which i have watched and ones i have enjoyed .For these movies directors have to find people who are best suited in the scene. For example in high school musical , they got on and off the camera and when watching it you would forget they was acting. Romance films usually include a couple who got together in a high school and the remeet years later when they accidently meet again (eg. me before you)


Action films are films which usually include high energy, big budget stunts and chases , possibly with battles , fights, rescues , escapes. And have a lot of dramatic scenes throughout such as : Floods, explosions , natural disasters , fires,. There also is always a good guy and a bad guy in the film. Some examples of action films are: Batman vs Superman, captain america, suicide squad , adventures.  What i like about action films is that their is always action and always entertained. However, what I don’t like about this film is that it can also be a lot and ‘too much on screen’ a personal favourite of mine is fast and furious 7 ,  the scenes catch you in surprise what i mean by that is , you cant predict whats happening which is a good thing.


Musicals are jolly, with people always smiling and dancing and singing after every scene usually. And empathize full-scale scores or sing and have dance routines. some examples :grease, hairspray, the wizard of oZ , Aladdin . Things i like about musicals is they’re always happy and singing and advancing and its nice to watch. However it can get a bit annoying when they put too many songs film and it gets too much and put the audience off.  Mamma Mia is also another good example, which the whole family can watch together  and pulls the family closer together.

They are designed to frighten and to invoke our hidden worst fears, usually there to shock you or make you jump. They are also combined with science fiction or by the super natural. examples of thrillers are : Purge , paranomal activity  , gone girl, zodiac. Things i like about thrillers are the effects they put on them to get you scared. Things i don’t like about them are some scene are pointless and have random buildups when sometimes nothings even going to happen. The film get out is a good example of something which has random build ups which end all joining together and building a twist plot at the end . Which catches you off gard because you don’t know what is coming up.


Adventure films are usually exciting stories, with new experiences or exotic locations. Very similar to action films. These films usually include ‘jungle’ and ‘desire’ epics, treasure hunts , disaster films or searches for the unknown. examples of these are : Hunger Games , jaws , finding nemo, the jungle book. What i like about adventures it feels like your travelling with them and as if your doing it with them, what i don’t like is sometimes they can be random destinations which don’t always match the story. Skull island is a favourite as it was a very good film which showed the durations which was very good


Dirks, T. (2017). Main Film Genres. Available: Last accessed 8th feb 2017.


Story /final Ideas+shots&scenes


  • ghost being discovered
  • relationship ended
  • rich man looses everything gambling and leaves with nothing

A young boy pretends to be ill to get the day of school to play the new Call of Duty game with his friends all day. He lies to his mum to get the day of school and his mum feel for it and said he can stay at home. His mum goes out so his home alone all day till late in the evening. He plays the game the whole day. Mum texts him at 6 o’clock in evening “saying do your self dinner, my bloody boss is keeping me behind” .  He then as he gets up to go downstairs , he hears noises. So he shouts his sisters name thinking its her downstairs. No answer. He rings her saying if thats her downstairs , and she is saying she’s stuck on the bus and will be home soon. He then turns on all the lights in the house as he was sitting in pitch black. Jack goes down the first step and the lights flicker on and off to the point where the light stayed off. He grabbed his phone and turned his touch on. As he creeps down stairs , there is smashing of plates and cupboards slamming. He gets to the bottom of the stairs and goes in the kitchen to see what the noise is. He goes into kitchen and says ‘hello’ . In a matter of seconds the Tv in the kitchen comes on , playing old records in black n white as he gets closer it turns off completely. His phone touch then went off and then all of the lights came on with a note saying “remember me , Lewis “. Jack had a flash back of Lewis, and remembered all the nasty abuse he used to say to him and his friends. It got to the point where lewis killed him self.In seconds the note disappeared and all lights went off. Jack was saying ‘ I’m sorry lewis I’m sorry “. Jack was screaming for help. his scream quietened. The game was still on upstairs , the screen showed “wasted”. Shortly after that his mum came home to see him laying on the floor covered in his own blood stone cold.


  • Ghost who  has been haunting house was a old friend, him and his friends use to bully and beat up verbally and physically to the point where the little boy killed him self and now he comes back to haunt him



 1: Long shot – Brother on play station talking to his friends about the game – in his bedroom

 2: mid close up/close up : brother remembering the new fifa Game comes out – in b bedroom

 3: him waking up in the morning- from a mid close up of him with tissues on his bed , coughing and coughing his mum goes up and gives him a thermometer for his temperature. – in bedroom

 4:  his mum leaves the room to get him a tissue-midshot – in bedroom

close up -extreme close up – of the thermometer getting dipped into cup of tea

 5: 8:27 – mum walking back in  and saying ohh jack you best stay at home.- bedroom

 6: 10:41 – His mum kissing him good bye and she leave for work- bedroom

 7: 10:47- His jumping up and running to the front of the house window to see his mum leave – over the shoulder angle, – front room bedroom

 8 : him skipping back to his room.- through hallway

 9: 11:00 : On the play station – “wooooo”-facial expression – bedroom

 10: TIMELAPSE: of him on the playstation all day and a time lapse out of window showing its getting darker- bedroom

 11: far shot showing his phone got a text – bedroom

 12: camera zooms in to close up shot of him grabbing his phone and showing what his mum says- bedroom

13: zooms out and shows facial expressions of him feeling stressed and annoyed his gotta make dinner for himself. -bedroom

 14: audio of the smashing of plates downstairs. long  shot of Jack jumping  up from his gaming chair and calling his sisters name and pf him panicking. – mid shot.- hallway

15: Extreme close up of him grabbing his phone out of his pocket and calling his sister and she answers and says she’s not home.- hallway

16:long shot: leaving his bedroom and going into the hall way and turning all the lights on

17: Close up of his feet walking down first steps with audio of plates smashing- still as he walks down steps** light flicker on and off** – stairway

18: mid/shot of his face – him being scared and panicking as they flicker – stairway

19: close up of him grabbing his phone and turning of the torch as he creeps down the steps – stairway-  *audio smashing of plates-Cupboards slamming*

20: – long shot-him reaching the bottom of the stairs  and of him entering the kitchen. – Kitchen

21: close up of him saying hello an then a long shot of the empty kitchen.

22: long shot of the kitchen tv coming on and walking up to the tv with the camera – kitchen

23: Tv completely turning off and then all of lights in kitchen went off too following it seconds after.

24: Far shot – a light appearing on top of chalk board with note. -kitchen

25:FLASHBACK – of lewis

26:  jack shouting his sorry- long  shot and fades in close up

27: black screen – audio – screaming.

28: game upstairs – mid shot of screen

29: mum coming through the door – mid shot, over the shoulder shot of her walking through hallway and going to kitchen.

30 : Long shot of I’m laying on floor









Podcast Evaluation

The project which i had too do was look up research on podcasts, watch a few to see what goes on and how to construct one. And then think of a subject of my choice, which i am able to talk to about for at least half an hour. I chose to do smoking as its something a lot of people can relate to even if they are smokers or nonsmokers. I developed my idea by having a few different people in to interview and i got  wide range of different ages involved, so it was all different opinions.

The tools i used in the process of making this is , was voice notes on my phone and then importing it through to google drive then opening up on google drive on a desktop and then downloading it and putting it on audition , then looked up music on youtube to clip in between the clips. I did this because when i did my own research on podcasts they had breaks inbetween and there was music inbetween and there wasn’t no talking the whole way through.

I exported my project from audition CC and then clipped soundtracks all together into one and then embedded it on to my youtube channel. Things i found hard in this project was having to find people who was free when i was and i was when they was, at the start of this project before i went into further research and preparation i said i was going to interv iew more people and make it more of a discussion but when it came to doing it all of the people weren’t available on the day , so i ended u doing 3 separate interview but with all different opinions which i wanted to do. Another thing i found hard was thinking of questions which weren’t just a one word answer and an answer which can be developed and expanded to take up more time on the podcast. Also it has taken me a while to complete this project and has taken me the longest as i did have many bad recording which is normal to happen when doing this which didn’t take a while, but i resolved it by changing the person i was interviewing and making sure they had prepared answers, and when my nan starts talking its not as clear as i wanted it to be as she has very strong accent where some will struggle to understand.On the other hand what i found easy was recording mine and other conversations , putting up on google drive and then editing to it and mixing it up.

I do this is a successful piece of work and this is my first time doing a podcast, it was for a solid 15 minutes which isn’t bad as that what time podcasts usually last for between 15 min-30 mins. I am happy with my final piece and it met all the conventions which i needed to reach and i think all the speech in this was very clear, which is good and the important thing.

However if i was to do it again, i would interview some of my friends get it more prepared as i know what now works and what doesn’t work.Also i would make my own music for the breaks which happen after every interview. And probably watch a few more podcasts, even thought i did watch a few at some points i wouldn’t know how to start and will get stumbled for words. Now i have completed it and listened back to it , i think it sounds very scripted and the audience will be able to here it when listening to it.

Apple final idea+ results from survey monkey

I have now done my survey on survey monkey and have all my results on another post (which can be viewed). I have had to change a few things around because other wise no one would spend money on the products ,  i will be changing the price limits from £399.99 – £699.99 down to the price range of £199.99 – £299.99 , as from my results I have seen that people wouldn’t be spending what i thought they would be and i want to make this as realistic as i possibly can which is why I’ve not dropped the price right down.

The keyboard will still be the same prices which is around £59.99 for being able to search the food you want to put in the microwave.

The idea of my iProduct is that , there will be an app which will be called “FastFood” and the image which represents this app will be an image of all cartoon food. THE APP IS FREE!!!! when it goes on the app it will come up with the local stores around your area such as ; Sainsburys , Tesco ,Asda , Morrisons. When you order your food from the app monthly to weekly (20% of when order monthly-big bulk) by ordering this it will either come deliver to your house or you can get a whole put through your wall and it will get delivered to your house through the whole (- which saved you from going out if your a busy person)

Then you can store it all in a cupboard looking box  which will be connected to the microwave, and the food will be passing through the cupboard and in to the microwave. There will be a keyboard which will be £59.99 which plugs in and you type in the food you want that you’ve ordered it, it cooks it if it takes between 2 minutes – 30 minutes, it would kick it and make warm enough for you which will be a scale on the side where you can pick which temperature you like it at.

Film Audio – Foley+film soundtrack sheet


  • What is production sound?

Original sound get from boom micks on set

  • What is Ambience?

Background noise

  • What are Library effects?

Pre-recorded sounds  

  • What is Foley?

Recorded as if it was real scene

  • What is it for?

to make the scenes more realistic

  • Why do film makers use sound effects?

used to create emotional moods and brings stories to life.

  • How much of what you hear in a film do you think was recorded ‘for real’ by the camera.

depending on the type of film its used for ,eg action is probably used in all the main scenes

  • Why is it called Foley?

Man who thought of it , was his name in 1930’s            

  • When did filmmakers first start using Foley effects?


  • How is it usually recorded?

by standing on a foley stage which is in a foley studio . 

  • Where did it initially come from in history?

Radio broadcasts in 1920 then others starting using it

  • What films are famous for using it?

starwars , jurrasic park , terminator , star treck,

  • Describe a foley session.

a session where sound effects are recored which are added to a film or TV

  • What do you notice about the microphone placement in the 1970s foley session. Why do you think they placed the mics like that?

Then, watching the ADR videos.

  • What is ADR?

were you replace the audio in the video and make the sound effects for it and getting it in sync – Fix technical problems

  • Why is it used?

To get the exact sound they want, as there’s a lot of background noise, so they replace it.

  • What does ADR stand for?

Automated dialogue Replacement

  • Describe an ADR session?

something gets recorded and tends to get looped. 

  • What does ADR allow you to do?

use the same bit of audio several times

  • What do you need to consider when organising an ADR session?

post production – having the actor record lines before being filmed 

  • How ‘automatic’ do you think it really is?

one story three genres : film genres


I was in Arizona on the grand canyon and i was with my family and i decided to lean not the edge and take a selfie but then i lost my lost my footing and slipped. My foot slipped and i quickly got my balance and pulled myself back up and moved away from the edge of the edge of the canyon.

Romance: I went away to Arizona , with my boyfriend for our one year anniversary. We was having a big argument , i slowly starting backing my self away from him, by walking backwards and getting further and further away. As i turned back around to walk straight i find my self at the edge of the canyon. It was a shock that i was right at the edge, i lent forward to see how far it went down but i lost my balance by one of my feet slipping, lucky my boyfriend was there to grab my hand and pull me back up. We then moved far away from the edge and made up.

Action:So one of my friends won a trip to the Grand Canyon, but it was only for one person , they offered it to me.  So i took it , it was a free trip so i didn’t see why not. it was very luxurious, we got a helicopter there. We was only a few minutes away from landing and then propellers of the helicopter came off by doing this the helicopter went straight down into the canyon, as we felt our set dropping so quick and the breeze going through out hair so quickly, it all came to a sudden stop . We was floating in the air … with no propellers. I was thinking are we dead… All of a sudden we started moving very slowly and lightly , we got placed on top of the grand canyon. as we all quickly got out to see how we got there. Superman had saw we was in danger and came and saved us. Shortly after that another helicopter came and got us and moved us from the scene.

Horror:  I was getting chased by a tall man in a mask through the city,  on the narrow streets and busy bombarded roads, i found an abandoned building, i ran up hundreds and hundred of stairs. I was loosing my breath. I found my self on the top of one of the biggest sky scrappers in New York. He was right behind me, as he became closer to me he pulled out a knife , making me walk backwards to the edge. I was standing at the top of the building , with a man in front of me with a knife. He came in arms length, if not closer. I started to feel my self slip. It was as if my life went before my life. I grabbed hold of him, and chucked him over. i went running down the stairs in a matter of seconds to see if he was okay and if anyone saw. I went to see were he dropped but no one was there. He had disappeared.

ideas for dialogue between two characters:

(romance): (the argument stage)

tour guide: Everyone move over this way, keep it coming, even you 2 at the back come on , we only have 20 minutes here.

girlf: I can’t believe you went to that party last night and told me you was staying at home  with the boys

boyf: babe, it weren’t even like that, me and the boys were bored at home and had nothing to do and jake phoned and said how good it was and everyone was there. so we thought to go. thats all

girlf: thats all yeah? why wouldn’t u just tell me? . And your Ex was there!! how could you not tell me?!!

boyf:because i knew you would act like this … and it doesn’t mean i spoke to her or went anywhere near her

girlf: I’m only like this because you didn’t tell me , if you told me that night i wouldn’t care and would of said to go have a good time. Sure u didn’t

boyf: u overreact with everything! literally everything !!!















What is copyright?

 Given out peoples songs or copying them off illegal websites without permission.

how can songwriters earn money?

by selling to people , by perfomaning them and when someone buys a copy they get some of that

who are the PRS and what do they do?

they are composers and music publishers, collect royalties on their behalf whenever their music is publicly performed

who are MCPS and what do they do?

(medanical-copyright protection safe) collecting society because its main role is collecting money from music users in the UK who record music into TV and radio programmes, websites, feature films, CDs, records, and so on

what are performance royalties ?

public perfomances , which occurs when a song is sung or played.

what are mechanical royalties?

royalty paid to a songwriter whenever a copy is made

can you use music without permission?

 if its on a website where it has the ticked saying it has got the agreement for  copy right

how do you get a sample clearance?

permission for copyrights owner of both the song and master recording. Start with publisher – easier way to find out

what is music publishing?

is where the music industry makes sure its the song writers and composers receive payment when their compositions are used commercially 

what is a music licence?

is a licensed use of copyright music .